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Marcia Mortensen Bales

"As the Leave no Trace Lead for the Quetzalcoatl Reborn team at Burning Man, I am passionate about creating sustainable and eco-friendly art installations. I have lived in Mexico for over 20 years and draw inspiration from the country's spiritual and vibrant culture and fragile natural beauty in my art. I am devoted to using recycled mixed media, specifically plastic trash that I have found on the beach and am thrilled to be a part of this team and use my experience organizing beach cleanups and advocating for environmental protection to ensure that our installation leaves no negative impact on the environment. Despite many years in the art field, including 8 years in a studio where we subcontracted with Marvel, and another 8 designing computer games at Sierra On-line, this will be my first time attending Burning Man. I am excited to contribute to this amazing community while also learning and becoming inspired by others while showcasing the beauty and importance of sustainability."

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